15 B2B Business Publications to Add to Your Reading List

Apr 08, 2023 5 Min Read

Photo by Annie Spratt @ unsplash

You consider yourself a well-read person, and you want to stay on top of news and developments that affect your industry. But there are only so many hours in the day, and a veritable smorgasbord of business publications out there to peruse. How to choose the most useful in order to maximise your reading time?

Supplementary reading: 20 Outstanding Leadership and Business Books You Should Read This Year, Selected by Adam Grant

We've curated the top 15 B2B business publications every busy business professional ought to add to their reading list now:

1. The Wall Street Journal

The granddaddy of business publications, the WSJ has won 38 Pulitzer Prizes and has been delivering the news for nearly a century and a half. With a circulation that exceeds one million print readers and more than 36 million digital visitors per month, the WSJ will deliver the B2B content you need.

2. Los Angeles Business Journal

The Los Angeles Business Journal dives deep into a range of regional business, ranging from local finance news items to real estate reports. If you live in California, you already know how valuable the LA Business Journal can be. And if you're thinking about a move, you'll definitely want to subscribe.

Business newspaper article

3. Bloomberg Business 

If you want business and market news, data, and analysis from around the globe, Bloomberg Business is one of your top sources. The front page alone will bring you up to the minute in markets, economics, finance, politics, technology, and health.

4. TheStreet

As its name implies, TheStreet brings you B2B information across the spectrum, from tech to retail to investing, retirement to crypto to markets. The site also includes an Entertainment section featuring a suite of video and multimedia offerings, because even the most dedicated business professionals need balance. TheStreet gives it to you all in one place.

5. Forbes 

Entrepreneurs will want to add Forbes to their curated must-read list. With a focus on wealth and how successful leaders got where they are today, Forbes will provide the startup backbone information you need to succeed.

6. Harvard Business Review 

You may not have attended the illustrious university, but you can still benefit from Harvard knowledge with HBR, one of the most trusted business magazines. It covers leadership and management best practices, and is replete with the latest business-related academic research.

7. Inc. 

For nearly a quarter of a century, Inc. has been the go-to for small business owners and startups. In addition to its comprehensive coverage of business with in-depth reports and case studies, the magazine presents the coveted annual Inc. 500 list of the fastest-growing U.S. companies.

Explore: Make Time For Learning In Your Busy Life

8. Fast Company

Launched in 1995, Fast Company is a relative newcomer to the B2B field and, as might be expected of a digital-era publication, focuses on innovation, tech, leadership, and design. Progressive business leaders pen the words on its pages, with an eye toward helping future entrepreneurs succeed.

9. VentureBeat

If tech's your focus, VentureBeat is your resource. It delivers the full scoop on news, events, groundbreaking research, and perspectives on technology innovation to help executives, entrepreneurs and innovators make the best decisions. Mark Zuckerberg reads VentureBeat regularly, though he wasn't reading it when he launched Facebook—two years before VB existed.

10. MarketWatch

Most B2B readers want to track the markets, and MarketWatch has its finger on the pulse. Over 16 million monthly site visitors come to MarketWatch for news, personal finance information, investment tools, and more.

11. Financial Times 

A global news organisation, Financial Times brings readers the essential news, commentary, and analysis you need to make decisions that impact your business on a grand scale.

person wearing suit reading business newspaper

12. Seth's blog

For the marketing-minded, few reads are better than Seth Godin. The author of 18 global bestsellers, Seth blogs about how ideas spread, marketing, leadership, and how to implement successful, massive change.

13. TechCrunch 

Another noteworthy tech site, TechCrunch is the place to go for new internet product reviews—and companies. The publication focuses on startups making significant waves in Web 3.0.

14. Guy Kawasaki's blog

Like Seth Godin, Kawasaki is a success story who knows whereof he writes. A Silicon Valley entrepreneur and author, he covers venture capital, marketing, and other topics germane to startups.

15. Sprout Insights

Social media may not be top of mind (you likely have a few other things on your plate), but it's still important to know what's happening in the social sphere, as this can strongly affect your business. Sprout Social's Insights blog covers business, with a focus on breaking social media news and industry updates.

Now you're ready to take on the world, with targeted B2B information designed to streamline and support your success.

Read more: Reading: An Essential Pastime For Success

Be sure to check out the media below:

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Tags: Abundance Mindset, Brain Bulletin


Mashum Mollah is an entrepreneur, founder and CEO at Blogmanagement.io, a blogger outreach agency that drives visibility, engagement, and proven results. He blogs at Blogstellar.

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