6 Ways A Leader Can Develop Talents

Leaders face turbulent situations, diverse personalities, and multiple opportunities all while developing talent. Talent development is the best development and coaching-leaders passionately develop talent and deliver results at the same time.
Powerful conversations are the coaching-leader’s path to remarkable results. Coaching-leaders also focus on developing strengths and maximising capacity. Here are the six core coaching skills – adapted from a book titled Coaching for Engagement – that will help leaders develop talents through engaging conversations.
1. Self-awareness and energy management
- Develop awareness of your energy state
- Notice the impact of your energy on others
- Manage energy before conversations. How are you approaching this conversation?
- Monitor and manage energy during conversations. Watch for joy and frustration during powerful conversations
2. Curious questioning
- Invite input and expect differing opinions
- Seek to understand the values, assumptions, and goals of others
- Pursue new ways of seeing by inviting others in
3. Open listening
- Remain respectful when others speak. Reject personal assumptions and expectations
- Listen for aspiration. What motivates them?
- Watch body language and monitor emotions. How do they feel and what does that say about this topic?
4. Appreciative discovery
- Look for untapped talents, strengths, and capabilities
- Explore new options and opportunities for service
- Generate enthusiasm by connecting with aspiration and motivation
5. Catalytic feedback
- Talk about what’s working and what’s getting in the way
- Set achievable goals and celebrate small wins
- Reinforce positive behaviours with praise
6. Heightened engagement
- Stay focused on results while building relationships
- Define success together, agree on next steps, and how progress will be reviewed
- Review progress, identify relevant learning, and celebrate achievement
Surprising strategy
Begin with self-awareness and end with heightened engagement. Approach the six core coaching skills as a sequential trail to a mountain peak. Ask yourself these questions:
- Which coaching skill has been most useful to you and how?
- Which coaching skill is most challenging?
- How might leaders develop it?
Reposted with permission on Leaderonomics.com
This article is also available in Chinese.
Tags: Executing Leadership, Alignment & Clarity, Talent Development