The Role of Technology in Asset Management

Aug 18, 2022 8 Min Read

Photo by Austin Distel @ unsplash

We shouldn’t neglect technology's growing role and significance in every aspect of asset management.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article belong to an independent guest author and not Leaderonomics, its directors, affiliates, or employees.

Many financial advisors are using smart technology to stay up with customer needs, harsher regulations, and project expansion. Asset management professionals are increasingly becoming forward-thinking experts in their area because of the use of technology. This allows them to digitally assign jobs, boost productivity levels, and increase efficiency.

The investment lifecycle may be streamlined with the help of modern technology, which also makes managing deals from start to finish simpler. Teams can cooperate, and all stakeholders can access the same data and insights from a single centralised data repository.

Let's look at how technology has affected the investment and asset management sector in this article and how businesses may use it to their advantage.

Technology's Contributions to Asset Management

The use of technology is improving office functions and customer relationships in fund management, just like it does in every other industry, and asset managers are embracing it quickly. Leaders in every kind of business are emulating some of the principles used by asset managers by managing the elements of their businesses from the viewpoint of asset performance and using technology to help them measure and monitor their progress. 

The Covid-19 pandemic epidemic has accelerated the development of all these technologies. On top of this, increased automation of various asset manager-specific operations, including data management, risk assessment, market research and analysis, asset trading, client services, etc., is a result of the use of technology in asset management.

Technology Asset Management in the Future

Making data-based strategic decisions is more crucial than ever for financial advisors at a period of predicted low profitability. This is where the significance of technology, including lead generation and its influence on asset management trends, come into play. 

First, by providing customers with direct access to information and services, technology is revolutionising the customer experience. Second, the entire investing process is being transformed by artificial intelligence and data processing. 

Technology provides financial advisors with concise and precise information to help with forecasts through the use of real-time indicators and data.

Management Technologies for Assets

A number of technologies are improving asset management, including:

  • Artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Big data
  • Blockchain
  • Cloud technology
  • APIs
  • Technology for working remotely
  • Internet of Things (IoT)

Artificial intelligence

With the introduction of robo-advice, investment management has already experienced some of AI's early effects. Many organisations are now considering about how they can use AI technologies in the same revolutionary way that the automotive sector has introduced driverless automobiles that are intended to function more safely than human-driven vehicles.

The third computer era, where big data and machine learning combine, is about to begin. This offers innovations that most investment management companies haven't been able to access until now. 

The entire value chain may be impacted by AI applications in asset management. The usage of AI bots for transaction processing throughout the entire middle and back office follows the optimisation of sales and marketing interaction based on real-time petabytes of data processing.

Big data

Fund management companies are starting to employ asset management software tools for big data analytics to assess fund management risks.

The handling of massive data analysis is necessary for the effective supply of fund management services such as mutual fund management and fixed asset performance. Large amounts of data can be tedious to analyse manually, and the results can be deceptive and erroneous. Big data tools analyse extensive market data and assess opportunities and dangers for various assets.

Asset research built on a foundation of data offers valuable insights in recognising market trends. They will identify assets that are trending upward as well as those that are trending downward. Understanding market patterns can help you identify opportunities with high potential for profit and reduce the danger of losses.

Supplementary reading: Three Key Steps to Prepare for Data and AI Leadership


Asset management businesses' specific needs are increasingly coming into focus. A distributed ledger, or blockchain, is a database of shared records between two or more parties. 

Information is synchronised, locked in, and confirmed. It is created in a way that all participants on the blockchain gain from improved security, increased transparency, and business process efficiency. Among other things, blockchain has the potential to drastically lower asset managers' frictional costs, perhaps resulting in lower fees for investors.

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically highlighted the advantages of moving to the cloud for asset management and other purposes. When employees started working from home, businesses that were already operating in the cloud were in a much better position than their competitors to continue without significant interruption.

Decentralised technology data warehousing relies on cloud technology, so asset management firms are moving their operations to the cloud. With the resulting use of cloud technology, businesses were able to decentralize their employees and implement work-from-home policies during the pandemic and are now in a position to have their people work virtually anywhere.

Benefits of utilising cloud computing for asset management include:

  • Data security. Companies that manage assets now have access to the information security offered by cloud technology providers.
  • Since data security is managed by other businesses who undertake it as their core business, asset managers won’t have to divide their attention between their primary roles and managing security processes. 
  • Effective cost management can be achieved by switching from a large, fixed-cost model to a flexible and variable cost model. Internal data warehouses can also be dissected using pooled data utilities.
  • Workplace flexibility is now possible thanks to cloud computing for employees of asset management firms.

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)

Software interfaces known as APIs allow two apps to communicate with one another. These software interfaces are increasingly being accepted by the investment management sector to link with FinTechs and other industry service providers. Surprisingly, they have already been adopted by the banking industry, which was quick to see their transactional efficiency. The banking industry, recognising the transactional efficiency of software interfaces known as APIs, has established dedicated software development teams to integrate with FinTechs and other industry service providers, ensuring that new technologies such as video chat APIs are seamlessly incorporated into their digital strategies.

Remote working technologies

According to Deloitte research, about 92% of investment management firms have already implemented virtual workplace technologies. These technologies allow employees to operate remotely rather than being physically present in the office. To facilitate smooth communication and transactions, digital platforms are deployed.

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The Internet of Things is a network of interconnected digital, mechanical, or computer objects with unique identities (UIDs). This network has the ability to communicate data across a network without human-to-human or human-to-computer interactions (IoT).

An ecosystem for the Internet of Things (IoT) is made up of web-enabled smart devices that collect, consume, and send data from their surroundings. This is done by using embedded systems including processors, sensors, and communication equipment. 

IoT devices communicate the sensor data they collect by connecting to an IoT gateway or other edge device. After that, the data is either transmitted to the cloud for processing or analysed locally.

With the implementation of an enterprise Internet of Things solution, organisations can efficiently manage and leverage the vast amount of sensor data generated by these devices, enabling real-time insights, advanced analytics, and optimised decision-making processes. Incorporating industrial iot solutions into asset management strategies can significantly enhance operational efficiency and provide real-time data analytics for better decision-making.

In Conclusion

The investing goals and restrictions of each client come first in asset management. Technology is used by both internal and external asset managers to manage data, assess risk, verify compliance, and take care of various operational requirements. 

Investment professionals make the actual investment decisions, even when technology aids in decision-making. But, even so, we shouldn’t neglect the growing role and significance of technology in every aspect of asset management.

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Nina Petrov is a content marketing specialist, passionate about graphic design, content marketing, and the new generation of green and social businesses. She starts the day scrolling her digest on new digital trends while sipping a cup of coffee with milk and sugar. Her white little bunny tends to reply to your emails when she is on vacation.

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