TalentCorp: Investing In Young Graduates

Nov 20, 2015 1 Min Read

Photo above: Winners of the Innovate Malaysia Design Competition 2015


TalentCorp works with leading employers who are passionate about investing in young graduates through:

1. Raising awareness of employer branding among students, particularly in IPTAs*

Industry Engagement Zone (Ind-E-Zone)

  • Designed to be a dedicated area within university campuses, Ind-E-Zone is a one-stop career information centre which will connect students to industry-relevant content and educate them on internship and career opportunities within Malaysia’s key industries.
  • The centre also offers a range of activities such as industry engagements, networking sessions, career talks (C-Talks) and sharing sessions to help young Malaysian talent secure a career of choice.

Universities with Ind-E Zones in 2015

Semester break programmes

– Breakfast With CEO Series

Students enthralled by Alois Hofbauer, managing director of Nestlé Malaysia

  • Targeted at high-achieving Malaysian undergraduates studying abroad and locally, TalentCorp’s semester break programmes run twice a year in Malaysia, between the months of June and August, as well as December and February.
  • During the Breakfast with CEO Series, students are given the opportunity to engage and learn via question and answer sessions with some of the nation’s most influential corporate leaders.

*IPTA – Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Awam

2. Connecting employers to select group of students for internship and recruitment purposes

MY ASEAN internship

  • A collaboration between the Ministry of International Trade and Industry and TalentCorp to increase awareness of Asean among youth in Malaysia.
  • High achieving Malaysian students in public and private universities in Malaysia and abroad will get the opportunity to do internships with leading Malaysian employers at various Asean locations, while Asean students in Malaysian universities will be able to intern in Malaysia.


Participating companies in 2015

Sector Focused Career Fair (SFCF)

  • A collaborative effort between TalentCorp and local universities, the SFCF is an industry-specific career fair, which focuses on employment and internship opportunities in Malaysia’s top economic sectors.
  • Both participating companies and universities gain from SFCFs as these fairs provide opportunities for employers to reach out to undergraduates from specific sectors across various campus.
Sector Focused Career Fair

Sector Focused Career Fair

Participating companies

3. Enhancing student participation for employer initiatives, especially by IPTA students

CIMB Asean stock challenge

  • TalentCorp has been partnering with CIMB since 2013 and has seen an increase in participation every year.
  • The CIMB ASEAN Stock Challenge is a regional stock trading competition organised annually to give university students from Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and Cambodia the “hands-on” experience with cross-border trading in four major Asean stock exchanges.

Innovate Malaysia design competition

  • Innovate Malaysia Design Competition is a multi-discipline engineering design competition open to all final year undergraduate engineering or computer science students in Malaysia.
  • Over 400 students participated in 2015.

Participating companies

If you are an employer who is keen to invest in people, reach out to us at info@talentcorp.com.my or visit www.talentcorp.com.my to see how we can partner with you to meet your talent needs. For more Company Profile, click here. 

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Prethiba is passionate about impacting people through the written word. She believes that our lives are solely written by us, and thus the power to change for the better lies with us.

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