Honing The Competitive Edge

Aug 08, 2014 1 Min Read

Photo: Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Champion of Enactus Malaysia 2014


Competitions are organised in collaboration with employers to provide opportunities for young talent to engage with prominent industry leaders and to demonstrate their creative and technical ability.

For companies, competitions provide access to a highly driven and creative talent pool.
Competitions which have been supported by TalentCorp include:

Innovate Malaysia

The Innovate Malaysia Design Competition is a multi-discipline engineering design competition open to all final year undergraduate engineering or computer science students in Malaysia.

While aimed at promoting the culture to innovate among graduates, the competition also seeks to promote greater interest in engineering design.

Thirty-five teams from 12 local universities will be vying for the top three spots via seven tracks (Agilent Track, Altera Track, Intel Track, MathWorks Track, Microsoft Track, NI Track, Silterra/CEDEC Track) at the Innovate Malaysia 2014 Grand Finale held on Aug 28 at G-Hotel, Penang.

Enactus Malaysia

Enactus is an international non-profit organisation that brings together student, academic and business leaders who are committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to improve the quality of life and standard of living for disadvantaged populations.

Student leaders of Enactus create and implement community empowerment projects throughout the world, with the help of academic advisers and business experts.

With participation from 34 universities, this year’s Enactus Malaysia National Cup 2014 was bagged by UUM with its projects “Back2Bag” and “4Nature”.

EY Young Tax Professional of the Year

Launched by EY in nine countries in 2011, this competition is held internationally to allow students to compete in demonstrating their tax-related technical skills.

Open to all Malaysian undergraduates—whether in local or foreign universities or colleges—the international rounds this year will be held in the Netherlands.

For more information on each competition please visit Innovate at http://innovate.dreamcatcher.asia/, Enactus at http://www.enactusmalaysia.org.my/ and EY at http://ey.com/my/ytpy

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