Terrific Thursday Tails: Narwhal

Oct 15, 2014 1 Min Read

Photo credit (above): Wyatt Kirby | Flickr

Today we travel to the oceans for our weird animal of the week. I should stop calling them weird, because we love them all and will not discriminate! Humanity 101.

We all love unicorns and wish they existed (no…? just me?), but alas the world is not a wish-granting factory (borrowed quote!). However, fret not, for we have the marvelous…

NARWHAL. (So majestic, it must be in uppercase).


(Photo credit: By Glenn Williams (National Institute of Standards and Technology) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

Its tusk is actually an elongated canine tooth (woaaah) and it is an Arctic Predator that feeds on a variety of fishes.

Although it would appear that some really awesome fencing could occur amongst Narwhals, the tusk is actually a really sensitive organ and is used primarily for sexual attraction (like a peacock’s feathers).

(Special accompanying video for extra entertainment!)

And without missing it out, your leadership lesson from the great Narwhal: 

As a leader, one may have a lot of power or information that can be used to demean/fight/threaten others.

But just like the narwhals, instead of doing the obvious thing, why not use it for more peace-loving purposes and bring people together? After all, great leaders build communities of love!

Until next Thursday!

Click here for the previous Terrific Thursday Tail.

Millie Ong is on her way to becoming an official Crazy Cat Lady. You can contact her at editor@leaderonomics.com

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Millie is formerly the Head of Talent Assessment in Leaderonomics. She is forever intrigued by the human species and is passionate about learning about people.

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