The Bad Boss Departure

Aug 30, 2022 6 Min Read
A bad boss who is inefficient in managing employees

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We Don’t Leave Companies, We Leave Bad Managers and Bosses

The “Bad Boss Departure” is here to stay and post COVID-19 pandemic and lockdowns, we are all here for it. In a nutshell, we don’t leave companies, we leave bad managers and bosses, and this has become more prominent in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. More and more people are coming back to work after working remotely from home and realising that they will no longer tolerate bad bosses, especially the younger generation. While the older generation might stay in a job with a bad boss because she or he need the money to provide for their families.

While some people may leave companies because they have chosen to go in another direction career-wise, others leave because they can’t work with their boss, manager or team leader anymore. And why should you? Why should you stay in a place where your boss doesn’t support you and where you feel worthless? Once upon a time, we would hear a couple of stories about people leaving bad companies behind, but these days it seems like we are hearing more of these stories every week. Honestly, you’ll be hard pressed to find a person who doesn’t have a bad boss story. We’ve all been there and we will no longer tolerate bad bosses.

So why do we leave a bad boss? How can we spot a bad boss? There can be a whole number of reasons.

Bad bosses or managers:

1.     Blame team members for their own mistakes.

2.    Are consistently rude, dismissive, don’t listen and make their employees feel worthless.

3.    Make the workplace a toxic environment to work in.

4.    Takes credit for success that is not their own or the work of others.

5.    Favour other employees.

6.    Control and try to micromanage everything their employees do.

7.    Not empathetic or kind towards their employees.

8.    Ignores bullying issues or other forms of harassment.

9.    Lack ethical behavour.

10.  Always criticising and never offering constructive feedback.

You might like this: Deconstructing Leaders: What Makes A Good vs Bad Boss

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Infographics by Leaderonomics: How to Spot a Bad Boss

If you’re scared, anxious, worried or nervous about going into work. Or don’t feel valued or appreciated in the office. You may have a bad boss. Bad bosses or colleagues can make you feel worthless, but that says more about them than it does about you. Your skills are valuable and you deserve to thrive and grow in a positive work environment, not in the hands of a bad boss.

Even if you’re the best employee or the most hard-working in the company, if you’re up against a bad boss, it can be hard to find ways to professionally deal with the situation. I’m not saying we should let bad bosses get away with mistreating their employees because they shouldn’t. I know that when you’re facing off against a bad boss it can be frustrating and make you unhappy. So, make sure you look after yourself, your mental health and walk away from toxic people. According to this survey by Seek – New research reveals the top 5 reasons people leave their jobs – SEEK Career Advice. – mediocre management and bad environments rank amongst the top five reasons why Australians leave their jobs. This speaks volumes.

Can you talk sense into a bad boss? The majority of the time you can’t, but you can make the steps needed to get you out of a toxic situation with a boss. Start looking into other jobs and career paths because you spend too much time at work to be unhappy there. Remember to be professional every step of the way. Here are some ways to cope with bad bosses.

1.   Plan Your Escape

Go to work and do your job as you do. But behind the scenes plot your escape by updating your resume and applying for jobs where you know you will be better treated. Even look at reviews by customers and employees to see if the company or business is your cup of tea and looks like a good place to work. Don’t tell your boss you are leaving until you hand them your notice.

2.   Be Professional

Be polite and professional as always if you decide to look for another job. I know it’s easier said than done, especially when you are struggling and unhappy being at work because of your boss and want to leave yesterday. But don’t stoop to their level of unprofessionalism, continue to be polite and professional without letting them walk all over you.

3.   Do Your Best and Keep Your Emotions in Check

Emotions run wild, especially when you are working 9-5 in a job that is toxic and has a bad boss and colleagues to boot. It’s hard not to wear your pain and unhappiness on your sleeve especially if your colleagues or boss are prone to making hurtful comments to you or make you feel unvalued. Continue to be your awesome self, do your best as you do and look forward to when you pack up your desk and shine in another company.

4.   Look after your mental health

You matter, your health matters, no matter what any bad boss or toxic colleagues say. Make sure to take time for yourself after you get home from work. Stop replying to emails after hours, your boss or colleagues can wait until work starts the next day. Instead have a cup of tea, cook a nice meal, read a book or sit down and watch the latest that Netflix has to offer you. Never stop doing nice things for yourself and look for another job where you’re appreciated.

 5.   Speak to HR

Maybe your boss isn’t a bad boss, just terrible at communication, can be rude when they’re under pressure, micromanage you too much or are just plain bad at getting their point across. If you can’t talk to them about the matter privately, then it’s time to get HR involved or even a group of your colleagues. This way you will be able to sort out any matters at hand, however, if things don’t improve after an intervention, it might be best to look at finding another job.

Discover: Four Signs Your Boss Is Bad For Your Health

The team at LeadershipHQ are all about building and developing great leaders and managers as well as your future leaders as we know bad leadership is contagious – are you ready?

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Tags: HR

Sonia is CEO of LeadershipHQ and has vast experience in organisational development, learning and development, facilitating, and leadership development. She is passionate about building long term partnerships with her clients and making sure she achieves the best results for their business and people.

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