Culture Shock: The Most Important Habit of a Great Manager

Dec 29, 2024 3 Min Read
two people talking

Image is from

Empower Your Team: The Key to Employee Engagement and Customer Retention

Peter Drucker said, “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.”

Organisational culture is the way we treat each other while we do the work. Should you build a culture that puts employees or customers first? The better question is how can you enable team members to create and keep a customer?

The chief scientist at Gallup has a surprising answer.

Build a culture that energises employees:

Jim Harter, chief scientist at Gallup, says the most important habit of a great manager is, “One meaningful conversation per week with each team member.” (In Gallup’s new book, “Culture Shock.”)

Lousy conversations are holes in your boat. Meaningful conversations propel you forward.

What is a meaningful conversation? Jim says a meaningful conversation, “Focuses on employee goals.”


Engaging Employees and Setting the Right Stretch Goals

Five Essential Drivers of Employee Engagement

“Discussing goals leads to customer retention, team collaboration, recognition, and wellbeing.”

The ultimate measure of a great manager:

Gauge manager effectiveness by asking employees on a scale of 1-5 if they have received meaningful feedback in the past week. Only 5s matter. (Jim explains meaningful conversations and the necessity of 5s in the video below.)

Meaningful feedback energises performance. You’re doing it wrong when feedback sucks the life out of people. When giving feedback:

  1. Clarify positive intention.
  2. Confirm aspirations.
  3. Determine the win.

Read more:

 How To Give Effective Feedback

Is The Feedback Really a Gift?

Coaching conversations:

A coaching culture meets two primary demands of high performance and wellbeing.

  1. Fit strengths to role. Are people using their strengths every day?
  2. Have the right conversations. Do people know you’re personally interested in their success?

You may like this: 

A Strong Coaching Culture Can Help Build A Brighter Future and A Lasting Legacy

Jim Harter in his own words.

  • 19:45 only 5s matter.
  • 37:35 the power of one meaningful conversation a week.

This article was originally published on Leadership Freak.

Edited by: Kiran Tuljaram

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Tags: Culture, Engagement

Dan Rockwell is a coach and speaker and is freakishly interested in leadership. He is an author of a world-renowned leadership blog, Leadership Freak.

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