Editor’s Note: Wired For Likes?

Apr 24, 2015 1 Min Read


Many organisations big and small have jumped on the bandwagon of investing time and resources into mobile technologies. We thought that we might revisit this topic; looking at it from the organisation’s point of view, and also from the point of view of the masses who are avid users, connecting for an ever-increasing number of reasons.

Taking an in-depth look, Peter Smith addresses digital engagement – to find, listen and mobilise a community around an issue – and how critical it is for leaders to embrace the change and be part of its execution.

And while we may sometimes hide behind the wall of bits and bytes to send a message that is hard to say in person – like “I’m Sorry” – Roshan Thiran reminds us of the power of saying sorry in part 2 of his highly popular article.

In Brain Bulletin, Terry Small informs us that there really is a name for smartphone addiction – nomophobia – the pitfalls of letting it go unchecked, and some helpful hints on how we can extricate ourselves from the temptation to tippy-tap on our phones all day and night!

Yet to Google this (on my phone, no less!) whether there is also a word for “Facebook addiction”? Michael Poh poses the question: “Is Facebook at the workplace a boon or bane?” He addresses how, for example, a blanket ban of Facebook may miss the point of its benefits for employee engagement.

What is Wallpaper Talent? Did you immediately think of the wallpaper on your laptop, tablet or phone? Well, Elisa Dass speaks of three different types of talent – the Diva, Wallpaper and Taxing Talent – how, as leaders, we might identify them, understand their underlying reasons for behaving a certain way, and manage them appropriately.

Still on the topic of better understanding our talent, Stephanie Ling shares how we can spot hidden gems in our organisation, as well as preserve and nurture them.

Nina Ti takes a walk down the literary path of the unknown, or at least the unfamiliar – the industry jargon that we often hear but may not have understood when they were first coined.

In the spirit of using the interactive nature of technology to the max, do check out the Top 10 Reasons Mobile Tech Will Dominate the World – how do you weigh in? Share your thoughts on our online poll!

Have a fabulous Saturday!

Published in English daily The Star, Malaysia, 25 April 2015

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This article is published by the editors of Leaderonomics.com with the consent of the guest author. 

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