The 4 + 1 Masteries Needed For Your Leadership Journey

Jun 17, 2016 1 Min Read


Deep in the heart of the Far East, there lived the Four Great Masters. Each of these Masters were wise beyond their time, and carried with them the wisdom to achieving greatness.

There is an unseen and untold synergy when all four of their ageless teachings of business, personal, functional and leadership masteries are combined.

It is the integration of powers of all the Four Great Masters that is believed to be the secret to manifesting great leaders.


Business mastery

We begin the journey to great leadership with the first Master, who teaches us how to identify opportunities in life.

Training with the first Master reinforces our levels of awareness and perspectives. We develop the ability to form deep insights on how to connect the dots in identifying opportunities for greater collaboration.

The first Master specialises in expanding awareness through strategy, vision, and experience.

Personal mastery

The second Master teaches the foundational lessons to great leadership—intense self-awareness. Here, one masters the ability to influence, communicate, energise and create, simply through a deeper understanding of strengths and weaknesses.

The second Master encourages learning that puts you in touch with the core of your passion, which in turn allows for great flow of creativity in all that you do.

“The best leaders in the world are great at this. They have intense self-awareness.” —Roshan Thiran, CEO Leaderonomics

Functional mastery

The third Master reminds us all to take our key areas of strength and turn them into our expertise. Train with the third Master to dive deep into developing ourselves in specialised spheres, such as technical and functional skills.

The third Master requires a heavy investment of time, energy and commitment. It may be a rough ride here, but without this training, the path to great leadership may be a lot harder to take.

Leadership mastery

The fourth Master—the oldest of them all—teaches us a combination of the most important ingredients a great leader must have, i.e. making decisions, the timing in using all the traits learnt from the other three Masters, and competency as a leader.

The fourth Master’s lessons are the last leg of this journey to great leadership, and teaches us how to be visionary leaders without losing sight of the finer details.

While it is important that a leader holds great vision, it is equally important for them to remain humble yet assertive as they build this vision.

The fourth Master trains us to develop this through experiences in changing advocacy, decision-making and extreme leadership.

The fifth master – Master of the mind

But wait, unknown to most disciples on this journey to great leadership is a fifth Master—without whom, none of the Masters above may matter at all. You can access the fifth Master at any point in your journey.

The fifth Master is rather elusive, yet always present. It takes a significant amount of awareness to sense this Master’s presence. The fifth Master, when found, will teach you a very simple yet powerful lesson—the lesson of mastering the mind. Master the mind, says the fifth Master, and you will see that anything can be achieved with ease.

Napoleon Hill was one of those who met this fifth Master. He left us with a great pearl of wisdom: “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

Are you ready to begin your journey?

Every journey begins with a small step in the right direction. The journey of leadership requires great vision, commitment, and incredible passion. In Leaderonomics, we believe that the four masteries (and the fifth unseen mastery) are key enablers in ensuring every leader becomes a great and purposeful one. Are you ready to change the world?

The writer is fascinated by the way our minds work, and believes that the world we perceive is simply a reflection of it. For more Try This articles, click here.

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Tags: Growth

Darshana is a former HR Media Specialist at Leaderonomics. A PR consultant, photographer, and associate trainer, her career path has been anything but monotonous.

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