This Brain Food Treat Is Easy To Forget

Feb 24, 2014 1 Min Read

Some foods are fun to eat. It’s even better when they’re good for your brain. Food has the power to heal your brain. The chemical components in what you eat have powerful effects on the way your mind works.

My favourite hot weather brain food treat is watermelon. They are a virtual warehouse of nutrients essential for a healthy brain and body.

Mark Twain said this about watermelon: “It is chief of this world’s luxuries. When one has tasted it, he knows what angels eat.” He was right. Children eat a lot of watermelon. Adults, not so much…

Here are the surprising benefits of watermelon:

> High in vitamin B6, which helps brain function

> Contains the amino acids arginine and citrulline which help maintain your arteries, blood flow, and cardiovascular function

> A good source of potassium which helps muscle and nerve function

> Has the highest concentration of lycopene (a powerful antioxidant) of any fresh fruit or vegetable

> Contains anti-inflammatory properties

> Enhances immunity

> Hydrates you and your brain

> Helps regulate brain chemicals

> Normalises sleep patterns

> Alleviates stress and depression

> Increases your “feel good factor”

> Improves your skin

> Filling and low in calories… Hmm.

> B6, B1, magnesium, and potassium combine to boost your energy

> Watermelon is a certified heart healthy food by the American Heart Association. And, what’s good for your heart is good for your brain.

… and the list could go on.

And, if that’s not enough:

“For three centimes I can eat, drink, and wash my face, all by the means of one of those slices of watermelon you display there on a little table,” says Anatole France inThe Crime of Sylvestre Bonnard (1881).

Watermelon can be put in salad, smoothies, or you can have it as a quick snack.

Or, you could purée watermelon, cantaloupe and kiwi together. Swirl in a little plain yogurt and serve as refreshing cold soup. Remember, what you eat literally becomes you. You have a choice in what your are made of.

Congratulations on learning something about your brain today. The Brain Bulletin is committed to help to do just that.

Always remember: “You are a genius!”

Enjoy your brain.

Terry Small is a brain expert who resides in Canada and believes that anyone can learn how to learn easier, better, faster, and that learning to learn is the most important skill a person can acquire. To interact with Small, email Click here for more brain bulletins. 

To watch a video on 12 Health Benefits of Watermelon, click below:

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