Unlocking the Growth Mindset at Any Age
Mar 04, 2020 • 1 Min Read

How Much of a Growth Mindset Do We Have?
Coined by Carol S. Dweck in her 2006 book entitled, ‘Mindset: The New Psychology of Success’, the term ‘growth mindset’ has since grown in popularity.
Willingness to learn, is a character trait. Believing everything is learnable, is a mindset.
Sashe Kanapathi, discusses the growth mindset, how there’s no such thing as a lack of natural skill, and how both kids and adults can benefit from adopting and adapting the growth mindset.
Listen to the podcast here.
Sashe is certain that his 18-year early career in IT was about leadership and not technology. He has spent the last 8 years redefining what that means as a HR consultant.