5 Steps to Making Habits that Create Your Future

Dec 26, 2024 2 Min Read
2 women looking at the screen with the word HABITS on it

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Master the Art of Habit-Building: Simple Steps to Transform Your Future

Making habits is easier than breaking habits.

“You are what you repeatedly do.”*

The things you repeatedly do create your future. Tell me the things you do every day and I’ll tell you what your life will be like next year.

The quality of your leadership distills into making habits that create your future

5 steps to making habits:

#1. Notice habits.

Notice the things you repeatedly do. Making habits includes noticing current habits.


Ask people you admire about the habits that helped them succeed.

#2. Tap your imagination.

Imagination is key to making habits.

Imagine who you aspire to become. What repeated behaviours take you there?

Imagine the team you would love to lead. What repeated behaviours build your desired team?

Imagine the life you aspire to enjoy. What repeated behaviours build your preferred life?


Spend two weeks writing an imagination journal. Set aside 5 or 10 minutes every day to let your imagination roam. Look for patterns when you’re done.

What do you really want?

You may like this: Leadership, Habits and Ego

#3. Begin small, very small.

Create the flywheel effect with a series of tiny wins.

Design an intervention and lower it by 90% to begin.

Don’t commit to working out for an hour everyday if you haven’t worked out for a year. Commit to showing up at the gym at 7 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Don’t even commit to working out. Just show up.

Read more: How Leaders Use Small Habits for Big Results

#4. Practice habit stacking.

I wanted to drink more water. 

My new habit: Every time I go to the restroom it reminds me to drink water.

#5. Include others.

Everyone needs a ‘with’.

Find a partner. Encourage each other.

Tip: Write this phrase on a small piece of paper: I change best by feeling good, not by feeling bad. BF Fogg

This article was originally published on Leadership Freak.

Edited by: Kiran Tuljaram

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Dan Rockwell is a coach and speaker and is freakishly interested in leadership. He is an author of a world-renowned leadership blog, Leadership Freak.

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