Listicle: 7 ‘Gratitude’ Articles To Read This Thanksgiving Day

Nov 23, 2016 1 Min Read

Thanksgiving Day is observed in the United States on the fourth Thursday of November.

Historically, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

On this day, let’s pause a moment from our busyness and reflect on the good that has happened for the past year. If you think everything around you is gloom, think again. For you to be alive and reading this post is in itself a reason to be thankful.

Judith W. Umlas, author of Grateful Leadership, is a strong advocate that leaders should be encouraged to acknowledge people authentically and from the heart. The power of acknowledgment can bring the best in your people by increasing productivity and engagement levels.

Empty gratitude bottle

Running on empty? Start filling up your bottle with a heart of gratitude!

Here are our seven recommended “gratitude” articles to read this Thanksgiving Day:

1. Gratefulness Can Be A Winning Business Strategy

2. Showing Appreciation To Your Staff

3. Letting Gratitude Enrich Your Life

4. Selfless G.I.F.T.S.

5. Saying ‘Thanks’ Is Not Enough

6. Gratitude Gratitude Gratitude!

7. Be A Leader: Show Gratitude, Not Attitude!


Blessed Thanksgiving Day!


The editorial team behind Leaderonomics would like to take this opportunity to convey our utmost gratitude for your continual support in following our content throughout the years. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for partnering with us in bringing you inspiring leadership stories and insights. To connect with us, just drop us a line or two at

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