The One Attitude for Job Interview Success

Oct 12, 2020 2 Min Read
Job Interview

Interviews happen more often than you think.

To many, interviews are an event that warrant extra preparation (with much added stress!) - there are plenty of advice out there on how to ace an interview session with a variety of techniques and methods. However, a truly successful interview begins with a fundamental key attitude.

Furthermore, interviews are more than just about getting a job, it is a sense of preparedness to present yourself in the light of how you can best contribute to a pressing need.

Your attitude is not to impress others, rather it is your attitude to influence.

Firstly, how are you being an influencer in terms of your 'problem-solving' skills? You are not hired because of your potential but because of your ability to solve problems!

That is why there is a job vacancy in the first place - there are pressing issues which require resolution. It is unrealistic to think that the interviewer is interested in your potential.

You need to have the attitude that "I am paid top dollars to address top level problems and I better demonstrate creative approaches to resolving issues".

Secondly, how are you being an influencer in terms of your 'people uniting' skills? No matter which industry you are in, you are always in the people business.

Now, does your presence in your next job or assignment position you to facilitate unity and collaboration? There is already enough office politics going on and your presence in the new position should be a positive contribution to the team atmosphere.

In other words, you are not promoted to your next role so that you can be famous, rather you need to demonstrate the skill to facilitate through difficult relationships and conflict. If you have the track record of being a bridge-builder, you are well positioned for a job interview success.

When attending the job interview, focus as much as you can on the interviewer's needs (not your wants) and then demonstrate your influence to problem-solve and to facilitate relationships. Then you will have success indeed.

Read: 7 Resume Writing Tips for Those Without Prior Job Experience

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Joseph is a Leaderonomics faculty trainer who is passionate about engaging with leaders to transform culture in organisations. Previously, he was CEO of Leaderonomics Good Monday. He is currently based in the United States

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