Blessed Father's Day!

Jun 19, 2015 6 Min Read
father with baby

Compiled by NINA Ti

From our homes to yours, Leaderonomers wishes all fathers, adoptive fathers, foster fathers, stepfathers, working dads and stay-at-home dads:


“Dearest Appa – thanks for being an awesome dad. Happy Fathers’ Day!” 

– Roshan Thiran

“Dearest Pa, TQ for teaching me to be a person of integrity and strong principles. You also win best grandpop award.
Dearest dad, TQ for imparting your virtues and charm to my husband. You’re the girls’ best Ah-Yeh.
Dearest husband, you’re the hero in your daughters’ eyes. TQ for taking some night shifts!” 

– Ang Hui Ming

“Happy Father’s Day daddy! Thank you for your hard work and the care!” 

– Evelyn Teh

“Dad, you’ve never been a talker, but your action speaks of love for us all!” 

– Andrew Lau

“Daddy, thanks for giving us the greatest gift of all, which is to believe in us always. Thanks for always watching over us and for always putting smiles on our faces.”

 – Steph & Gen

“Dear daddy, thank you for your neverending support in whatever I do in life. You are my hero!” 

– James LSY

“Your life has been difficult so that mine would not be. Thank you, Ayah.” 

– Sabrina K

“A special thank you to my ‘appa’, Mr Jayabalan and ‘mama’ Mr Kannan for the morning walks, playground trips, rounds on the bike and for simply loving and spoiling Shakthisri to the core.” 

– Prema Jayabalan

“Thanks dad for being the superhero who does everything for our family – we appreciate you more than you know!” 

– Sheena Soon

“Thank you Ayah for always taking care of my needs, especially when I tend to overlook them. Love you.” 

– Awatif Ghapar

“Daddy, thank you for always putting our needs first and giving us everything to make us happy. Time for you to enjoy the great things that life has to offer!” 

– Love, mummy, Sara, Shaun, and Sonia

“Thank you for loving and taking care of us so much. I love you daddy!” 

– Jesslyn Lai

“Hi Dad, Happy Father’s Day. I hope you know that we love you so much!” 

– Love, Josh & Jon

“You’ve always kept us close to your heart even though we may be distant physically.” 

– Lim Lay Hsuan

“You’re the reason of who we are today and who we will be tomorrow. Happy Father’s Day to you dad, the greatest blessing in our life.” 

– Dinesh, Gayathri and Dheepan

“Happy Father’s day, pa! Just for today, I’ll laugh at any joke you make.” 

– Millie Ong

“Happy Father’s Day, Papa aka Peter Selvam! Thank you for all that you have done for me. May God bless you always.” 

– Jean Selvam

“Thank you for bringing us up. We owe our successes to you. Happy Father’s Day Pa.” 

– From Su, Shien & Pei

“Thank you for always believing in me. I love you. Happy Father’s Day!” 

– Sara Yee

“Papa, thank you for your many sacrifices in planning and providing for the family. Love you!” 

– Pek Ling

“Dear Cookie Monster, thank you for ensuring that the cookie jar has always been filled to the brim, and taking care of both jar and your cookie munchers too.” 

– Yi-Wen

“Dear Father,
All the ‘thank you’s in the world are not enough to show my gratitude to you. Thank you for teaching me, guiding me and never giving up on me when times are rough. Thank you for loving my sibling and me. Some things in life are too complicated to explain in any language, as it is with our love for you.
May your mind grow ever sharper; your “beard” grow ever longer. May your days be spent in joy and bliss. Happy Father’s Day!” 

– Chin Yunn Rou

“Hi Daddy! Happy Father’s Day! Thanks a million for putting a roof over my head, food on the table, and being a role model to us and the 3 grandkids of yours.” 

– Love, Suet Ling

“Thank you for all the laughter. Life is so much funnier with you. Laugh lots today!” 

– Jasmine

“Appa Ramanathan, you have carried, consoled, nursed, clothed and cared for Thev, Pra and I in ways no father would. Trust us Appa, we appreciate everything you have done… and you continue doing up to today. We love you very much.
Happy Father’s Day to you and pa-in-law Subramaniam.” 

– Ashvaani

“Papa, thanks for always believing in us, for role-modeling excellence at work and fun in all we do. You’re the best! Much love from us.” 

– Lim, Leong and Heoon

“Old Bean, I miss you terribly. Hope you’re enjoying the manna and harp-playing. Thank you. My war on cancer rages on.” 

– Love, Jak

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First appeared on Published in English daily The Star, Malaysia, 20 June 2015 is an advertisement free website. Your continuous support and trust in us allows us to curate, deliver and upkeep the maintenance of our website. When you support us, you allow millions to continue reading for free on our website. Will you give today? Click here to support us.

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Tags: Relationships

Nina Ti is part of the team that manages social media and distribution of digital content for Leaderonomics. She writes on HR and management topics. All views and opinions expressed here are her own.

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