The Problem with Lacking Clarity in Your Life

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Do you know who you are?
What you want?
Where you’re going and why?
We may have a vague sense of these things but no real clarity. We lack a clear vision that pulls us forward toward its sweet and compelling destination.
Meanwhile, we keep our heads down and stay busy as a form of avoidance. Sometimes this situation continues for a very long time, placing us in an extended state of drifting.
Lacking clarity is one of the most damaging traps we can fall into. Why? Because lacking clarity affects everything, including our quality of life, relationships, work, leadership, and dreams. And because having clarity is a superpower. Life is so much better and richer when we have a clear vision of a better future, anticipation about what it will feel like when we realize it, and conviction about what’s important and meaningful.
What We Should Get Clear About
Okay, so clarity is important, but clarity about what? Here are the ten most important things we should get clear about:
- purpose: why we’re here; our reason for being
- values: the things that are most important to us; what we believe and stand for
- vision: what success looks like—a mental picture of what we want to be, do, and contribute in life and with whom
- strengths: what we’re good at, including our knowledge, skills, and talents
- passions: what we get lost in, consuming us with palpable emotion
- goals: what we want to accomplish
- priorities: the relative importance of our top aims
- strategies: how we’ll achieve our vision and goals and what we’ll focus on given our available time and resources
- capabilities: what knowledge and skills we need to develop to realize our vision
- service: who we seek to impact and how
Read: Rediscovering Life's Joy through the Schulzian Philosophy
Signs We’re Lacking Clarity
There’s a big price to pay when we don’t have enough clarity about these things. When we lack clarity, we tend to:
- suffer from anxiety, stress, self-doubt, indecision, and frustration
- struggle with knowing where to begin
- question ourselves and our actions
- procrastinate
- begin projects without finishing them
- struggle with minor decision-making
- feel like we need advice from others before making most decisions
- feel overwhelmed and burned out
- agree to too many things
- feel confused and uncertain about what to do next
- be more prone to distraction and disorganization
- keep comparing ourselves with others
- put in inconsistent effort
- remain too busy and frazzled to think about and work toward a better future
- see a decline in motivation and performance
“Lack of clarity is the primary reason for failure in business and personal life.” -Brian Tracy
Read: The Power of Authentic Alignment in Your Life
Benefits of Clarity
On the flip side, there are many powerful benefits that flow from having clarity in our lives. For example, having greater clarity:
- eliminates distractions and helps us focus
- helps us establish a definitive direction
- makes it easier to identify actions to take and prioritize them
- helps us overcome fear and doubt
- makes it easier for others to help and support us because they have better insights into what we want
- allows us to put our energy into what we want
- helps us get things done
- makes it easier to say no to things that don’t matter to us
- helps us manage challenges more effectively
- reduces feelings of overwhelm and helps us manage stress more effectively
- helps us make better decisions and reduces decision fatigue
- allows us to set and enforce boundaries
- helps us save money since we avoid spending it on things that don’t matter
- helps us feel contentment and happiness
- provides the serenity that comes from knowing what matters most
- leads to healthier relationships
- boosts our confidence
- facilitates better performance
“…compared with their peers, high performers have more clarity on who they are, what they want, how to get it, and what they find meaningful and fulfilling.” -Brendon Burchard
Find clarity in your career with Happily:
How to Get More Clarity
Given all the compelling benefits of achieving greater clarity, the question then becomes how to go about it. What can we do to bring more clarity to our lives? Here are 16 actions we can take:
- Eliminate distractions, clear out clutter, and create more white space in our lives. This makes room for self-awareness, pattern-mapping, and new insights.
- Do one thing at a time.
- Take more action more often. Many people assume they need clarity before acting, but sometimes clarity comes from taking action. Act, assess, learn, and adjust. Then repeat.
- Reflect after acting. Step back periodically to see how things are going. What’s emerging and what’s getting in the way?
- Talk to others. Share what we’re unclear about and ask for their input. They may be able to see things we can’t from their vantage point. (Consider doing this in small groups.)
- Develop a clear vision of what life will be like when we’re living the life we want. Start by defining what success looks like in different areas, including family, relationships, health, work, education, community, and more.
- Spend more time thinking about our desired future. Also, engage in planning and actions that move us toward that future. Best to schedule time for it on our calendar.
- Journal about what’s going on and what isn’t clear yet. Write freely and let thoughts appear uninhibited.
- Start acting like the person we want to become. Bring our desired future into our present.
- Turn our purpose, values, and vision into a daily mantra or affirmation.* This will help embed them into our consciousness and build them into the fabric of our days.
- Ask what we would do if we had less time. By doing so, we force tough choices about what to focus on.
- Reduce exposure to negative influences. They extract a tax on our energy and attention. And they pull us away from our own priorities.
- Engage in regular centering activities. Take breaks and go for walks. Try deep breathing or meditation.
- Follow a regular, daily routine. Be sure that it includes time for quiet reflection.
- Make time for systematic self-care. Don’t neglect good habits of nutrition, hydration, movement, and sleep.
- Work with a coach or mentor. Focus on getting more clarity on purpose, values, vision, strengths, passions, goals, priorities, strategies, capabilities, and service opportunities.
Read: The Common Traps of Living: Which Are You In?
Related Traps
Lack of clarity is common, and it can be pernicious, affecting so much of how we think and what we do. It’s also accompanied by several associated traps:
- Avoidance
- Burnout
- Caring Too Much About What Others Think
- Comparing Ourselves to Others
- Complacency
- Disease of More
- Dissatisfaction
- Drifting through Life
- Living in Fear
- Wearing “Golden Handcuffs”
- Having Our Identity Wrapped Up Too Much in Work
- Indecision
- Losing Ourselves
- Not Having Enough Margin in Our Lives
- Pretending to Be Someone We’re Not
- Self-Doubt
- Settling
- Playing the Short Game
- Being Unfocused
Achieving clarity about who we are, what we want, and where we’re going can be very challenging. But lacking clarity leads to drifting and settling. And having clarity is a superpower that adds energy and richness to all we do.
Reflection Questions
- To what extent are you clear about who you are, what you want, and where you’re going?
- What more will you do, starting today, to achieve greater clarity in your life and work?
This article was originally published on Gregg Vanourek.
Gain clarity in your communication—learn the power of acknowledgment beyond compliments to strengthen your personal and professional relationships. Watch the video to discover how!
Gregg Vanourek is an executive, changemaker, and award-winning author who trains, teaches, and speaks on leadership, entrepreneurship, and life and work design. He runs Gregg Vanourek LLC, a training venture focused on leading self, leading others, and leading change. Gregg is co-author of three books, including Triple Crown Leadership (a winner of the International Book Awards) and LIFE Entrepreneurs (a manifesto for integrating our life and work with purpose and passion).