Father’s Day: Readers’ Tribute To Appa, Ayah, Daddy, Papa

Jun 26, 2015 1 Min Read



[First posted on Leaderonomics.com on 19 July 2015]
[Updated: 26 July 2015]

Our readers wrote in and shared their tribute to the men in their lives. Thank you for writing in with your special Father’s Day messages.

To all fathers, we wish you Happy Father’s Day!

Always a princess

Every girl may not be a queen to her husband but she is always a princess to her Father. I am lucky to be both!

Thank you Appa:

  1. For guiding, encouraging, coaching, sitting down with me and literally burning the midnight candle to make sure I did well in primary school. Considering those days when English and Malay language was only taught at the age of nine in Tamil medium primary schools. You wanted to make sure I did well (the common misconception was that Tamil medium students do poorly in studies and never succeed in life!)
  2. For sponsoring my very first Europe trip when I turned 21.
  3. For being “overprotective” (my sisters will agree to this!) even now that I am married with a child of my own, because I know you care deeply and you are concerned about my wellbeing and safety.
  4. For checking (and sometimes washing and cleaning) my car to make sure I am not stranded in some highway with a car breakdown!
  5. For tirelessly sending me to and fro for work and driving me around when I was pregnant as my nausea was over the top and made too sick to drive myself anywhere.
  6. For emphasising almost all of the time on the importance of staying fit and healthy.
  7. For teaching me the art of saving and being financially prudent at a young age.
  8. For creating the best electronics projects when I was in secondary school, as it was displayed in front of the class for a month. Oh! How proud I was.
  9. Whenever you say “this is not the end of the world” and encourage me to look at issues with different perspectives.
  10. For loving your four children equally, and for being a fantastic Appa, husband and not to forget Grandpa to Dashvarthan.

Love you Appa.

Rohini Ragunathan @ Mohantilak

A special Father’s Day poem to my daddy

You gave me words of love and encouragement,
You gave me words of inspiration and wisdom,
You opened my eyes to see life wisely,
You are the mighty armour that protected me,
You are a “Daddy” that I’m blessed to have.
As I watch your hair greying,
I know the pains and aches that you are having,
I wish I could bear it all for you,
Because “I Love You Daddy”,
And you are forever my “HANDSOME DADDY”.

With love,
Candy Loh Chi Kwan (D-Girl)


To our dear mummy
he is a kind-hearted hubby.
To us three kiddies
he is a loving hubby and daddy.
Our happiness is his top priority
so is growing old together with mummy.
A hardworking breadwinner
who labours out of love to fulfill our needs.
We salute our father
for not giving up when others would.
A good example indeed!

Happy Father’s Day, dearest papa.
You are the greatest by far!

– Written by the late Shirley Lim, a loving wife, a caring mother.

In loving memory

Dear Appa,

I heard great stories of you from Athaa. I know you are looking after your loved ones from heaven.

I wish a Happy Father’s Day to you Appa! We have never met, but the love of your son towards you…I feel it in my veins every single day.

He really looks up and respects you so much.

You brought up and took care of Athaa and Mama very well Appa.

Smile always up there! I will always think of you in my prayers.

With love,
Rzma, your daughter-in-law

To the captain of our hearts

Being a ship captain’s daughter can be emotionally challenging. We hate to see you carry your luggage to the taxi and wave goodbye as you prepare to ship out for the next five months. Each time you leave us, you put up a brave front. But we know deep down, you leave with a heavy heart.

As you hug us tightly, we would secretly wish for time to fly and bring you back home. When you call to say you’re coming back, our happiness knows no boundaries.

Appa, we would like to tell you that even though you’re hardly around, we really appreciate your efforts to call home every day just to make sure everything’s OK, no matter which part of the world you may be in. Appa, you are our hero and definitely, the captain of our heart!!

This message also goes out to all seafaring dads.
Happy Father’s Day!

From your jewels,
Yaysodha, Soebbathra, Rishiika and Laranya

To Papa

Papa, our first and only superhero,
With whom we can share our joys and sorrows
No matter what, he’ll never judge
And he’ll definitely not hold a grudge

Although we make lots of fuss,
He forgives and instead teaches us
How important it is to have good attitude
For only then, we’ll be able to achieve fortitude

Thanks for all your sacrifice and advice
We hope we’ll be as wise as you, should a problem arise
Please continue to guide and bless both your daughters,
We shall strive to make you the proudest of fathers.

Veenaa and Tayanaa Logenthiran

PS. To request a copy of the high-res interactive PDF for this page, email editor@leaderonomics.com

We welcome more tributes from you! Just email us at editor@leaderonomics.com. For more reader’s feedback, click here.

First appeared on Leaderonomics.com. Published in English daily The Star, Malaysia, 20 June 2015

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This article is published by the editors of Leaderonomics.com with the consent of the guest author. 

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