5 Ways To Think Like A Champion

I meet and learn from champions every day. Not just in locker rooms but in classrooms, hospitals, homeless shelters, homes and office buildings.
I’ve learnt that to be a champion you must think like a champion. Champions think differently than everyone else.
They approach their life and work with a different mindset and belief system that separates them from the pack.
1. They expect to win
When they walk on the court, on the field, into a meeting or in a classroom, they expect to win. In fact, they are surprised when they don’t win.
They expect success, and their positive beliefs often lead to positive actions and outcomes. They win in their mind first and then they win in the hearts and minds of their customers, students or fans.
2. They celebrate small wins
By celebrating the small wins, champions gain the confidence to go after big wins. Big wins and big success happen through the accumulation of many small victories.
This doesn’t mean champions become complacent. Rather, with the right kind of celebration and reinforcement, champions work harder, practise more and believe they can do greater things.
3. They don’t make excuses when they don’t win
They don’t focus on the faults of others. They focus on what they can do better.
They see their mistakes and defeats as opportunities for growth. As a result, they become stronger, wiser and better.
4. They focus on what they get to do, not what they have to do
They see their life and work as a gift, not an obligation. They know that if they want to achieve a certain outcome they must commit to and appreciate the process.
They may not love every minute of their journey but their attitude and will helps them develop their skill.
5. They believe they will experience more wins in the future
Their faith is greater than their fear. Their positive energy is greater than the chorus of negativity. Their certainty is greater than all the doubt. Their passion and purpose are greater than their challenges.
In spite of their situations, champions believe their best days are ahead of them, not behind them.
Concluding thoughts
If you don’t think you have what it takes to be a champion, think again. Champions aren’t born. They are shaped and molded.
And as iron sharpens iron you can develop your mindset and the mindset of your team with the right thinking, beliefs and expectations that lead to powerful actions.
A great example of this is John Wooden, the legendary UCLA basketball coach who passed away at the age of 99.
He was one of my heroes and someone who not only thought like a champion, but lived like a champion, taught like a champion and developed champions.
Do you think champions are born or developed?
Jon Gordon is the author of numerous books including The Energy Bus, The Carpenter and The Seed, and blogs regularly at www.JonGordon.com. Send us your feedback at editor@leaderonomics.com or drop us a line in the comment box provided. For more Try This articles, click here.
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