Take Courage To Revive Forgotten Dreams And Vision

Nov 30, 2016 1 Min Read

Sometimes, it’s not just about procrastination

Have you thought about trying something new but haven’t gotten to it yet? When was the last time you delayed doing something that its priority gets constantly pushed back? How many times have you felt a prompting within, but did not do anything about it?

It might not be all about procrastination.

This might interest you: How To Stop Putting Off What You Need To Get Done!

Forgotten seeds


The lack of resources, knowledge, skills and opportunities are some real reasons we keep certain ideas and desires in the icebox. If they are kept aside for too long, they become seeds that are not planted; they have so much potential, but its fruits may never be harvested.

We may not have all that we need at the moment, but don’t throw these seeds away just yet. Instead, write down these ideas and desires even if we don’t know how to make it happen.

Slowly but surely, we can move towards our goals when we make it a point to take small initiatives. There will be obstacles along the way but as long as we are willing to press on, there will always be opportunities for creative ways to overcome challenges.

An ending must have a beginning

One morning as I was creating an event in my calendar, I accidentally marked an end date before the start of the event, and a pop-up window alerted me with this message: “Sorry, you cannot create an event that ends before it starts.”

I smiled to myself thinking that it’s so real how our doubts and circumstances can kill something before it even happens. If prolonged, we go into a circle of unfulfilled possibilities.
It happens, but take courage!

can't create an event

A stir in our hearts

chasing dreams

Something deep inside of us knows the things that we cannot reason with – desire, vision, passion, will. We are innately created that way.

Recommended reading: To Succeed On Your Own Terms, You Have To Discover Your True Passion First

By nature, we have preferences and interests that we want to pursue. But these things are often buried, and it takes circumstances to stir us to do something about it; an immediate need, an inspiration, an event, or a calling that hits like an arrow through the heart and says: “Let’s do this.” Suddenly, we’re able to make it a priority and we feel that maybe, we can do it after all.

Yes, there will be other urgent things that occupy our schedules. And we will constantly put these needs ahead as priority. However, we must also be aware of how much time we end up spending on these tasks.

When we look back a year later, would they still matter? How can we minimise the time and effort needed to complete those tasks so that we can do what may be more subtle, but important to us? Can we find a way to increase efficiency in a way that works best?

But first – we need to slow down, stop, and think before we accelerate again. It doesn’t have to be a getaway or a holiday. Micro steps, like being still for five minutes to reflect on the bigger picture, can put things back into perspective.

It starts with one tiny step

Recently, I’ve been inspired and encouraged by a few friends who picked up their interest in art again. For many, art may not be a priority at all, which is one of the reasons why it is easily shelved and forgotten.

But they did the smallest but most important thing – they got started.
It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it might not always turn out to be the best, but it is better to have started on something than do nothing at all.

All it takes is just a little step of courage, and it gets us into motion. Once we’ve gotten into the flow, we will most likely want to continue.

Bringing possibilities into reality

Here’s a piece of advice: If you really want to do something, put yourself in a situation that would stir up that desire in you. Your instincts will do the rest. The road ahead may not be easy, but it will be rewarding.

Take courage!

Jesslyn Lai is an artist motivated to live out whatever her heart feels called to do. She believes that our passion for something is there for a reason, encouraging others to live out the desires that are placed in their hearts. She is an introvert thriving to live beyond her comfort zone, fascinated and thrilled by new discoveries and connections. You can get in touch with her at editor@leaderonomics.com. To know more about our creative decision-making and problem-solving training programme, email us at info@leaderonomics.com.

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Tags: Personal Growth

Jesslyn serves the creative visual needs in Leaderonomics, while occasionally expressing her heart through art at TheMakerJess.

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