United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Photo credit (above): Jennifer | Flickr
[Updated: September 14, 2017]
Malaysia Day, observed every September 16, is a day to commemorate the “marriage” between Sabah and Sarawak and the West (Malaya and Singapore then) 54 years ago.
As with any marriage, it takes effort from all Malaysians to nurture and grow this unique relationship.
Like a garden, it needs constant care so that future generations of this country can continue to see the nation bloom and bear good fruits to be enjoyed by all.
This might interest you: Where Did Our Unity Go?
Here are three keys to help preserve unity in Malaysia:
Celebrate diversity
Malaysia is extremely rich in diverse ethnic groups, cultures and religions, but these differences should not hinder us from getting together as one people.
On the contrary, this should be all the more reason why we celebrate our uniqueness as we stand out as an exemplary nation to the world on how we can live harmoniously and work together for the common good.
Despite our cultural differences, we Malaysians also know deep in our hearts that we are very similar because of our affinity for our rojak language, food and football.
Uphold our Rukun Negara
Rukun Negara (National Principles) is a shared vision of our forefathers for national unity and remains a cornerstone for nation-building.
As sons and daughters of this land, we ought to ensure that the five tenets are deeply rooted in us, and always observed and respected.
The five tenets are:
- Belief in God (Kepercayaan kepada Tuhan)
- Loyalty to King and Country (Kesetiaan kepada Raja dan Negara)
- Supremacy of the Constitution (Keluhuran Perlembagaan)
- Rule of Law (Kedaulatan Undang-undang)
- Good Behaviour and Morality (Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan).
This year, Zubedy (M) Sdn Bhd collaborates with the National Unity and Integration Department to launch #RukunNegaraSomethingNice project to help us appreciate the significance of Rukun Negara and uphold its principles as our foundation to achieve national unity.
Embrace moderation
Global Movement of Moderates’ former CEO Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah once said that while the voices of extremism are often heard, it does not in any way reflect the sentiment of the majority of Malaysians.
Therefore, if we are the majority, we ought to work together in making Malaysia better.
Related post: Building Malaysia Together
For example, our unique ‘open house’ gatherings during festivities is a great ‘excuse’ to invite friends and neighbours of different cultural backgrounds to bond and strengthen relationships.
The Voice of the Moderates initiative by The Star is also another commendable effort to encourage sensible Malaysians to speak up more, because moderates are the ones who will pave the way forward for our nation.
Check out this exclusive video on what makes us all Malaysians – our nasi lemak!
Bringing it all together
Taking the CUE from Scorpion’s Under the Same Sun song, shouldn’t we be living as one since we live under the same sun and walk under the same moon? Think about it.
Happy Malaysia Day!
How do you think we can do better towards nation-building and national unity? We’d love to hear from you, so let us know at editor@leaderonomics.com