Quiet Quitting Might Not Be A Bad Thing

Jan 30, 2023 22 Min Podcast

They key to addressing quiet quitting is first to be aware of it, and secondly to have the conversations around it to align.

Young lady, exhausted, disengaged at work, quiet quitting at work

Image is from freepik.com by @nakaridore

Are quiet quitters disengaged people at work?

It’s a whole new year. But you may still be at your old job and you’re not completely immersed in whatever you’re doing. You’re starting to draw boundaries for your time and energy. The magic and excitement are gone. Well, you’re not alone, this sweeping trend really took off last year and was quickly christened Quiet Quitting. Sashe Kanapathi, CTO of Leaderonomics, shares his thoughts on quiet quitting.


Read the article: Breaking Down Quiet Quitting In The Workplace


Raise Your Game is a podcast on series by BFM; The Business Radio Station, featuring experts that present real-life practical solutions to personal development, career growth and leadership.

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Sashe is certain that his 18-year career in IT was about leadership and not technology. He is currently the head of Leaderonomics Digital and ponders the use of technology in his free time.

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