Raise Your Game: Roshan Thiran’s Top 10 predictions For 2013

Jan 08, 2013 28 Min Podcast

Here are Leaderonomics CEO Roshan Thiran’s top 10 predictions for the year of 2013:

  1. The return of optimism

  2. Teenagers will become men/women

  3. HR leaders will start “reinventing” their department (to be more talent-focused and more aligned to business)

  4. More investments for less people (leaders should start targeting stars and invest in them)

  5. Creating policies for social media

  6. Culture will become “king”

  7. The spread of leadership decision-making power

  8. CSR will become the real deal (not because they have to; but because they want to and they know it’s the right thing to do)

  9. Collaboration will be leveraged (to become great)

  10. The rise of social businesses

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