Has Mankind Gone Lazier Than Ever in History?

Jan 07, 2021 72 Min Podcast

We can make ourselves extinct

Person's feet at the foot of the bed (laziness)
Technology and laziness

The evolution of technology has enabled mankind to do more that they ever imagined. However, it may have come at the cost of the natural need or desire to get up and move.

Featuring Vicks Kanagasingam, CEO of Xperanti IoT, Sigfox Operator, Strategic Advisor and Coach at Leaderonomics and Business Mentor, the question led to a light bulb moment that differs from the initial premise.

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Talk To Me is a podcast series on timeless yet timely topics offering multiple perspectives that is brought to you by Necole. Accelerate your Skills | Growth | Career | Future. Find out more at necole.app.

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