Boss, Here is the Secret to Customer Engagement

Sep 17, 2021 1 Min Video
Getting Customer Engagement Right

The popular rhetoric is that "we are all about the customer" but how we do really go about engaging with the customer in a meaningful way, in a way that flows from the company's culture, and not due to any "artificially" imposed customer service program? According to Gallup, the customer engagement metric is most influenced by a simple habit of the manager. It is simple and yet often neglected.

Interested to know what this simple but neglected habit is? Watch this great video to see how to get Customer Engagement right with Joseph Tan.

Watch More: Fix Your Broken Windows & Your Culture
Must Read: The Customer Service Mindset

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Tags: Business Management

Joseph is a Leaderonomics faculty trainer who is passionate about engaging with leaders to transform culture in organisations. Previously, he was CEO of Leaderonomics Good Monday. He is currently based in the United States

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