How To Command Respect If You’re Quiet

Oct 08, 2021 12 Min Video
women speaking to get attention
Gaining Respect and the Attention of the People You Are Talking To

Someone quiet or shy, is usually referred to as meek and someone who lacks confidence. But that doesn't need to be the case. In fact, you can be quiet while still radiating massive confidence and commanding respect from the people around you. But how do you do that? What are ways for more introverted and quiet people to gain respect and command the attention of the people you speak to?

In this video, we’ll go through 4 tricks you can use to be charismatic without needing to be loud or over the top.


0:00 - Intro.
1:23 - #1: Use hand signals to capture attention.
4:49 - #2: Share praise to others.
6:50 - #3: Use your body language.
8:01 - #4: Be non-reactive.

This video is courtesy of Charisma University

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Shashi Kesavan is a leader at Leaderonomics and has great expertise in the media space. He is currently the Director of Special Projects and is leading the deployment of the Global Internship programme. In his spare time, Shashi plays football and runs to let off steam. He is currently producing a number of podcast shows.

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