Terrific Thursday Tails: Spiny Orb Weaver Spider

Nov 12, 2014 1 Min Read

Photo credit (above): Ryan Abel | Flickr

My fellow human beings,

Hope everyone is in good spirits and all that jazz. To return with a bang this week, I introduce you to an eight-legged arachnid – the Spiny Orb Weaver Spider.


(Photo credit (above): L Church | Flickr)

It gets its first name from the fact that it has spines protruding from its back – giving it an extra vicious looking appearance. Their backs come in a variety of colours, which can also extend to colourful legs. Thankfully, these spiders don’t grow to be more than 3 cm (can you imagine giant versions of them running around? They do exist in Malaysia, mind you!).

Although they look particularly dangerous, these spiders are actually pretty harmless. Their bites are completely non-poisonous!

Leadership lesson

Sometimes it’s necessary for a leader to make particular elements of yourself more striking and formidable to ensure that others do not take advantage of you – especially if you’re not a naturally dominating person.

Click here for the previous Thursday Tail!

Millie Ong is on her way to becoming an official Crazy Cat Lady. You can contact her at editor@leaderonomics.com

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Millie is formerly the Head of Talent Assessment in Leaderonomics. She is forever intrigued by the human species and is passionate about learning about people.

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