5 Simple Strategies To Get You Through The Day

Feb 09, 2018 1 Min Read

Find yourself struggling to get through your day at work? Wishing you had a different boss to report to?

You’re definitely not alone. In fact, three out of four employees report disliking their boss – saying it’s actually the worst and most stressful part of their job.

Two-thirds of people even say they would prefer getting a new boss over a pay raise.

If you’re battling a bad boss, just remember that a boss–employee relationship is exactly that – a relationship between two people, and nothing more.

And there are always ways to improve a relationship.

Check out these five simple strategies to help you out.

1. Don’t become a jerk

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind – and, as we enter the workforce, the old adage is every bit as true as it was in our childhood. No matter how much you despise your boss, don’t spend your spare time trash-talking him/her with your co-workers. It brings you down to the same level of bad behaviour.

2. Look deeper

When people see an angry person, something very few people like to do is look beyond the irritating behaviour to figure out what’s really going on underneath the anger. If you’re having issues with your boss, try getting to know him/her better. The challenges they’re dealing with on the inside might surprise you.

3. Do the best job you can

One of the worst mistakes people make when dealing with an annoying boss is doing their work poorly – an action that will just result in more anger and irritation on the boss’s end. By making his/her life easier, you’re reducing the chances of falling victim to the micromanaging and irate rebukes that characterise stress.

4. Make time for yourself

Regardless of what’s going on at work, make time to do the things that ground you so that you can maintain your sanity at the office.
Meditation, exercise, reading, and any other hobbies that you find particularly grounding are great for bringing you peace of mind. Don’t be afraid to keep them up.

5. Learn by (bad) example

Now that you know what a bad boss does, you also know what kind of impact your boss’s behaviour has on you and your teammates.

Whenever you get the opportunity to lead yourself, take pride in knowing that you’re not carrying yourself the same way professionally.

Some of our best bosses were inspiring, yet controlling. They knew to how switch their leadership hats to seamlessly move from authoritative to inspirational at just the right moment.


So, what determines if your boss is good or bad? Does your unhappiness equate to you having a bad boss? Check out this insightful article by Roshan Thiran at bit.ly/RTgoodbadboss

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Peter Economy has written more than 80 books on a variety of business and leadership topics. You can read more of his leadership articles at the website below.

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