Conduct A Self-Assessment

Oct 28, 2013 1 Min Read

Want to do a more thorough appraisal of yourself? Use this guide to answer the important questions!

This exercise will help you identify the qualities you already have that will be relevant in your working life. It will help you think thoroughly and objectively about yourself. Remember – be honest with your answers! There is no right or wrong. Use this profile whenever you are hunting for a job or going for an interview to remind yourself what’s important to you.

Your Personal Goals

1.        The things that I want more in my life are….

2.        In five to 10 years time, I expect to be….

Your Values

1.        The most important reward to me in a career is….

2.        Work to me is all about….

Your Interests

1.        I am interested in….

2.        I would like to develop an interest in….

3.        My strongest work-related interest is….

Your Attributes

1.        I value these attributes….

2.        The attributes that will help me get a job are….

3.        I would like to strengthen these attributes….

Your Skills

1.        I am very good at….

2.        My language and communication skills are….

3.        I would like to improve on….

4.        The skills that are most relevant to my career interests are….

Your Self Assessment Profile

1.        Careers that seem to be compatible with my profile are….

2.        To get the job that I want, I must improve in….

3.        I believe I have the following skills to land me a job…..

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