Work-Life Integration - Are We Ready For It?

Jun 25, 2023 31 Min Podcast

Work-life integration is never going to be the perfect solution. There can be a slippery slope to it, especially for business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs.

Man meditating at work, balancing work and life, integrating work and life

Vector image is from by @redgreystock

What is pushing us out from the paradigm of work-life balance to a new world of work-life integration?

A 2022 survey by Kisi, a tech company, revealed that Kuala Lumpur ranked 3rd in the list of most overworked cities in the world. We are even ahead of Singapore who ranks 4th for comparison.

Technology is a key contributor to this problem, as Goldman Sachs’ David Solomon once said, “technology means that we’re all available 24/7. And, because everyone demands instant gratification and instant connectivity, there are no boundaries, no breaks”.

One way to help manage this is work-life integration, but how does that differ from work-life balance? In this day and age, with the technology that supports working from anywhere, the “anywhere worker” of today would say work-life balance is out the window, and work-life integration is the future. 


Raise Your Game is a podcast on series by BFM; The Business Radio Station, featuring experts that present real-life practical solutions to personal development, career growth and leadership.

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Connie Lee is currently the People & Culture Lead at Leaderonomics. She believes that everyone has the potential to be a good leader.


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