The Young Leading the Young

Oct 31, 2022 22 Min Podcast

You're now accountable to the team that you're leading

Young Leaders

Leadership is never easy, so how do you balance authenticity and authority or friendliness and firmness, especially if you’re not that much older than the people you’re leading? Andrea Chew, Co-Founder of MAD For Good, tackles the topic of young managers, young teams, and everything in between as she shares about the challenges young leaders face today.


Raise Your Game is a podcast on series by BFM; The Business Radio Station, featuring experts that present real-life practical solutions to personal development, career growth and leadership.

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Andrea Chew is a psychologist who is fascinated by the workplace, and people in general. She dabbles in marketing and a whole bunch of other things she is curious about and has her own business and channel on Instagram that she talks and showcases these things. Currently, she heads up a part of the Leaderonomics Enterprise team and is supporting the CEO in driving key initiatives across the organisation.

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