Start From The Grassroots And Keep Trying

Oct 06, 2016 30 Min Video

Once deemed too small a size to play football professionally, Steve McMahon beat the odds to play for famous English football clubs like EvertonAston VillaLiverpool and Manchester City, before moving onto coaching and managing clubs such as Swindon TownBlackpool and Perth Glory.
To continue his passion in football, he took up the opportunity to go into sports punditry in Asia, and he has been in this part of the world for the past decade. McMahon is a recognisable face in public due to his many appearances on sports channel like ESPN (now Fox Sports) and Astro.

Thanks to Go Communications, Leaderonomics had a chance to interview McMahon on The Leaderonomics Show. Here are some key takeaways from the interview:

  • It’s better to fail trying something than to fail not trying anything at all.
  • Honour and respect each other’s time.
  • Learn the good and the bad from your leaders. For bad practices, learn how not to do them.
  • Practise what you have learnt. To do this, you need a supportive environment to help sustain your success.
  • If you have talent, keep working on it until you become extremely good at it. Practise, practise, practise!

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