Two Signs to Find Clarity In Your Life Direction

Feb 28, 2022 1 Min Video
Get Clarity on Your Intersections

Are you at a crossroad where you need clarity for your life direction? 

While we cannot control every element in our lives, there are two signs that you should be alert to - they contain clues as to what your next steps could possibly be. I am a believer that your life direction should be a source of joy for you - think about it - if you are not deeply satisfied with what you do, where is your source of energy going to come from? In addition to joy, the next question to ask is this: Do what I do actually meet the needs of others and help to solve real problems?

If you can find the intersection between your what brings you joy and what creates a useful solution for others, you will begin to have clarity for your life direction. 

Watch the video above to get clarity on these 2 intersections in your life.

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Tags: Alignment & Clarity

Joseph is a Leaderonomics faculty trainer who is passionate about engaging with leaders to transform culture in organisations. Previously, he was CEO of Leaderonomics Good Monday. He is currently based in the United States

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