Q&A With Adrian Wee and Kathlyn Toh

What is success to you? To some, it may be measured in terms of accumulated wealth and finances. To others, it may be through award recognition of some sorts. Still, for others, success is not quantifiable because it relates to your values and how you live your life.
The late Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker once quoted this:
“Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practised every day.”
Even though the mechanics on how you achieve success are different from one person to another, the foundational traits of successful people are similar. These include:
- They are passionate about what they do, and why they do it.
- They are continuous learners, and they learn from the best.
- They push themselves out of their familiar grounds.
- They are resilient and persistent through hard times.
- They are very focused on their end goal.
Thanks to Success Resources, Leaderonomics caught up with Adrian Wee, Asia’s top interior designer cum property entrepreneur, and Kathlyn Toh, one of Malaysia’s top woman professional trader, on their journey to success.
Here are their responses.
Why do you do what you do?
Adrian Wee (AW): I was once almost bankrupt in my early years, but now I am ‘found’. My life has been blessed through property investment. My big why is to bless others, so that they can do more and give more in their lives. I now share my knowledge to everyone around me on how to create net worth effortlessly by leveraging property investment the street-smart way.
Kathlyn Toh (KT): I am driven by the satisfaction of making a difference in other people’s life through understanding their needs. I share my experience and knowledge to help them fulfill their financial goals and to bring out the best in themselves. I only discovered in my later adult life on how to live a passionate and fruitful life. I am extremely grateful for all the people who have shown me the way. I personally feel that more people who are successful in what they do should step up and lead the rest to help others find their own success. I am doing my part to give back what I’ve received.
What are some of the values that drive you as a person/leader, and why?
AW: As a person, I live my life by having an abundance mindset in my sharing and actions. I wake up every morning with much gratitude for the things I have (and will have). I radiate this mantra of “live wealthy, not die wealthy” through property investment. As a leader, I live by example by being honest and authentic. I share with people on how to live ‘street smart’ by exploring what they are passionate about and helping them stay focus. I follow through and journey together with them.
KT: I believe in these values: authenticity, integrity, commitment to excellence, continuous learning, and persistence. I always find ways to add value to others too.
Who is your role model, and how has he/she impacted your life?
AW: I have many role models. If I have to choose one, it would be one of my mentors who is a property developer where I got to learn from a lot. He taught me three things in life: continuous learning, abundance and love.
KT: It would be Tony Robbins. He was the biggest catalyst in my journey of growth and transformation. I have learnt so much on how to live passionately. I also learnt how to bring out the best in myself and others. When it comes to investment and trading, my role model is George Soros as I admire his insights into the macro view and the psychology of financial markets. I admire both their philanthropic works too.
Question for Adrian: What was the biggest highlight of your career?
Speaking to thousands of people and being able to bless the lives of more than 1,000 of my graduates with my street-smart property investment knowledge, in a span of 18 months, through my platforms, ID King and Massive in five countries. They are my family now.
Question for Kathlyn: The highlights of your life.
The first was when I accepted Christ as my personal saviour. It is through this journey of faith that I understand my life’s purpose. The second was when I met my husband. We have been married for 18 years now. We have gone through some rough patches in our relationship, but these challenges have made our relationship stronger and better.
What are your aspirations when it comes to people/community/society, and why?
AW: Learn to give more. It is only then that you find meaning in life. Having not enough financially and emotionally doesn’t allow one to do that well. Giving with gratitude is the most wonderful thing one can ever experience. Property investment in the long term allow us to achieve this effortlessly.
KT: To be the best version of ourselves and to bring out the best in others. I want to be an exemplary role model and bring inspiring messages to people that we touch. Today, we may be focusing on financial education, but we also incorporate character building and psychology in our courses. Investment and trading are just vehicles. Ultimately it’s about who we become in the process.
Your advice to the millennials.
AW: Be focus. One cannot serve two masters well. Focus on giving your all to the one thing at a time. When success starts rolling in, move to another venture. The keyword is to think big, start small, grow deep.
KT: I think we are all enjoying the fruits of what our forefathers have worked hard for. What is distinct now about the millennials is that material enjoyment comes so much easier and faster. As such, many lack the ability to face hardships. Their instant gratification of things seems to supersede longer term plans and commitments. There are exceptions out there of course. If they receive the right coaching and mentoring, they will be able to make a huge impact in this world.
Watch Adrian and Katlyn at Success 2016 event, happening this July 29–30 at One World Hotel, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia. Visit www.successmy2016.com for more information.
Leaderonomics is a strategic partner with Success Resources. Share your success journey with us at editor@leaderonomics.com.
Tags: Be A Leader
This article is published by the editors of Leaderonomics.com with the consent of the guest author.